Component Interfaces - Part 2 - Calling from ExceltoCI Utility
This article is in continuation of a previous article "Component Interfaces – Part 1 – Calling from Peoplecode in Application Engine". Peoplesoft has delivered a utility called EXCELTOCI utility which is used to update data from excel file and calling Component Interface to perform all the business logic on the data before updating peoplesoft database. Instead of recreating another set of objects for use here, we will utilize some of the objects developed in previous article. The objects, from previous article, that will be utilized here are: The records PS_AJ_TABLE_TYPES, PS_AJ_MAP_XLAT_TBL. The pages AJ_TABLE_TYPES, AJ_MAP_XLAT_TBL. The component AJ_MAP_XLAT_TBL and its registration (including Portal Registries). Data populated in tables PS_IBU_GROUP_INV and PS_AJ_TABLE_TYPES. The tested component interface AJ_MAP_XLAT_TBL_CI. The example has been created and tested on the following software environment: ...